Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Iron Horse Inn

My parents and I stayed in the high class motel called the Iron Horse Inn in Durango.  It sounds about as good as it was.  After my folks and I went and grabbed dinner at the downtown Mexican joint we headed back to the Inn to find that Cooper had been stranded in the hotel during a thunder storm and had destroyed some of the carpet.  Awesome.

After trying to clean it and an hour worth of pin-ball (my parents LOVE pinball.  We have our own machine in the garage called the "Incredible Hulk") we tried to sleep.  However, there were many brawls during the night and none of us slept.  We were all pretty cranky when we headed to Mesa Verde.  It was the day of my parent's 34th wedding anniversary and they decided to dress like tourists for Mesa Verde...for fun

1 comment:

  1. Schmoops does NOT like loud noises . . . fireworks, thunder, etc . . . too bad about the carpet!
