Sunday, February 8, 2009

Burning, Ice Dragons, and Jam Bands

Today in church, everyone was going around doing the standard, "Prayers and Praises of the People," and one guy stood up and told this little ditty. "I woke up this morning and went outside to let the pooches out and I realized that there was no wind, mild weather, and no rain.  Then I looked over at the giant pile of brush and lumber my wife and I had been saving for the last year.  I went in and called to my wife, 'Well, we can either burn today or go to church.'  We obviously decided to come here instead of burn."  I'm not in Washington anymore, am I?

So, the fam and I (my only friends until today) went to Cripple Creek yesterday for the ice sculpture festival.  Cripple Creek is an old mining town turned ghetto casino-ville.  It's blocks are filled with casinos and really old people.  It was fun to see the sculptures folks were carving with chain-saws.  We gambled a little and---did you know, if you gamble (even the penny slots) you can have all you can drink booze?--I had plenty of strawberry daiquiris.  We didn't win any jack-pots but we sure did have fun except for the creepers who stand in the gutters of the street smoking and looking around all wooly gooly.  It's a rough crowd up in Cripple Creek.  It's like all the people who go to Wal-Mart in Canon at 11 pm at night.  Of course, I would have to be like those people because that would mean I have been to Wal-Mart at 11 pm.  

In other news, I made a girl-friend today at church who is younger than I am but in my age range.  We're going to get together and do something.  Also, I was asked to join a jam-band at my church with my banjo!  I'm not good but they don't seem to care.  Look-out bluegrass land, here comes Christy Fisher and her banjo Millie!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like things are looking up! But I need more pictures of Cooper please . . . Thank you. :)
